Recent content by Thrain II

  1. T

    List of Special Items?

    Hi there. Lone Wolf looses 3 EPs when he is supposed to eat but has no meal available, right? Hailing/Curing does compensate that malus after 3 sections IFAIK, so I would rather decide not to choose Hunting. Well, that is true. I always thought Sommerswerd counts as special item AND weapon...
  2. T

    List of Special Items?

    Thanks a lot for that detailed information! Well, Weaponskill is very useful but I prefere a +2 CS Sword/Broadswort to use that bonus for Sommerswerd. Healing/Curing is essential IMO, if you tend to hate the Random Numbers Table as I do... :twisted: I chose Weaponskill, Mindblast...
  3. T

    List of Special Items?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone has a list of special items which can be found in books 1-12. I am especially interested in the *key items* which are useful if not essential to survive combats against nasty enemies (Zakhan Kimah, Chaos-Lord,,,). I am also interested in your choice...