Recent content by shnar

  1. S

    Card Game: Dropping Security Level

    Exactly. Violets were taken (well sorta, I'll explain below). So the main question is whether or not the UV would drop to Indigo or stay at UV. We ruled that a drop would always drop, the rule for staying at your rank smelled like it was meant to only count for upgrades. Plus, that definately...
  2. S

    Card Game: Dropping Security Level

    But that's the point. At the point where the player was supposed to drop in rank, there were no ranks available directly beneath his security clearance (i.e. he was UltraViolet and there were already two Violets). So does he keep the UltraViolet or drop two ranks to Indigo? Or even further if by...
  3. S

    Card Game: When does Clone reappear?

    Hrm, this is a good question in general. Does this mean that ALL effects simply don't affect the clone until his next turn? I.e. he's not there, so he cannot be affected by treason accusations, etc. And on the flip side, he cannot play any Play Anytime cards? -shnar
  4. S

    Card Game: Dropping Security Level

    But that doesn't follow the rules of the game. It says that when the first player loses his last clone, that player drops a rank in Security, then you do the end mission debriefing phase (to see if anyone else has bumped up in ranks, etc), and then whoever is the highest rank wins the game. So...
  5. S

    Card Game: Dropping Security Level

    What happens if you have to DROP security level and there is not any cards left of the rank below you? In the game we just played, two players were increased to Violet (there are only two violet cards). There was one Ultra Violet in teh game and he was a traitor so he was executed. It was his...
  6. S

    Card Game: Dying Action Timing Sequence

    An interesting situation came up today in timing: Player A kills the Team Leader (who is a Traitor). Team Leader's Dying Action gives Player A some Treason Tokens. Questions: When does Player A remove his Treason Tokens for killing a commie traitor? Before or After the dying action? -shnar
  7. S

    Card Game: When does Clone reappear?

    A followup, if the player is dead and during the round his turn was "skipped" and a card is played that affects ALL troubleshooters, such as Tactical Genius, does that player whose clone is still "running back to the game" recieve the wounds/treason tokens? -shnar
  8. S

    Paranoia Mandatory Card Game Questions

    I remember reading in the rules that stated that there were limited security clearance cards making it that there could only be 1 UV player, etc. Did I misread that? (don't have rules in front of me to quote them) -shnar
  9. S

    Card Game: Expansion coming out?

    Excellent! This sounds like a great expansion. Can't wait for its release. Question, does that mean we would not use the Change SS cards? -shnar
  10. S

    Card Game: Surviving a mission mean never dying?

    Make sure that makes the errata, since that's a rather confusing part of the rules. -shnar
  11. S

    Card Game: Wounding yourself is treasonous?

    Yeah, thinking more about it, shooting yourself is treasonous sounds very Paranoia, so that's how we decided to play it. -shnar
  12. S

    Card Game: Fill hand or deal all cards?

    That's something we were thinking of, and we ended up playing that at the next card phase, you filled your hand to the number of cards you were supposed to have. If you happened to have more, so be it, you were able to keep them, but you took no new cards. This allowed you to take advantage of...
  13. S

    Card Game: 2What does "Turn" mean?

    That makes a lot more sense. I wish Mongoose would post the errata online so it wouldn't seem like a "house-rule". -shnar
  14. S

    Card Game: 2What does "Turn" mean?

    That makes the cards that you lay down in front of you pretty lame, since they don't last very long at all. As such, our players tend to keep Noble Sacrifice in their hands until they die, and then use that as their dying action... -shnar
  15. S

    Card Game: Fill hand or deal all cards?

    Is there a cap to the number of cards you can have? I had 2 Secret Society cards, and so had 4 more cards than my original hand size. Can I do that? -shnar