Recent content by PottsBr

  1. P

    B5 Madness!!!!

    I'm still waiting for a Dilgar War sourcebook :D
  2. P

    warlock cruiser

    I don't remember seeing one in A Call to Arms, but as many report it, I fond that reliable. Where I'm sure there is on e is in the Crusade series. When the senator comes aboard the Excalibur, he is brought to them aboard a Warlock, and we get a good look at it before it jumps out.
  3. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    The Narn don't feel to me like they use a jury system,.. I expect a court run by a member of the Ka'Rhi. He will listen to the evidence and be offended by this human's actions and his interference in Narn business and custom. The impact of the character statements will be small. The...
  4. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    If we are to talk about what a Narn jury is going to think, disregarding the evidence at the trial and so forth, the narn jury is going to say, "How dare this human interfere with the honorable execution of the Chon'Kar. Fry the bastard." At this point, I don't think we even know for sure if...
  5. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    If you really wanted to try and make this a justifiable killing, you should have let him go, maybe shoved him to the back of the bathroom. Stepped back from him, keeping him at gunpoint. Tossed the sword to him, and told him that he could leave the sword and walk away from his Chon'Kar, or take...
  6. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    Just because you are a licensed security officer with permission to use a weapon in the performance of your duties does not give you the right to misuse that force. Cops on the street can NOT just decide the guy is guilty and shoot him. There are laws against that sort of thing, even assuming...
  7. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    The depositions would seem to indicate that the incident in question would be deemed appropriate had the defendant been a Narn (at least by another Narn). I believe that the letter from G-Kar, a high ranking member of the Ka'Rhi, would be enough to convince the court to treat the accused per...
  8. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    You've got a defense to present against this? That I have got to read. Seriously though, I'm still waiting to find out what the prosecution is presenting at the trial. Even if the prosecution produced the blow by blow account given at the start of this thread (which is positively damning) the...
  9. P


    I would have to go and rewatch the series to find it, but their is a throw away comment about robotics in one episode. My gut feeling is that Garibaldi made the comment and indicated that something bad had happened in the world of robitics and they had been banned. If I had to guess, I would...
  10. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    I agree that the character should bear the consequences of his actions, but that doesn't mean he has to be convicted in a court of law, and it doesn't mean the consequences have to be immediate. Moden did all sorts of terrible things, but he didn't get his come uppance for three years. Then he...
  11. P

    A Trial by His Peers

    Having all the facts is actually what invalidates this forum. The court which is going to try him for murder will not have all the facts. First we need to know a few things about the court in question. How does the Narn legal system work. Who does the burdeon of proof fall upon? Does the...
  12. P

    Disguise Question

    At least while clothed, Centauri and human female look almost eactly alike. The Centauri wears a wig, the human shaves her head. A close examination might pick out differences in the teeth, but the Centauri females are much more similar than the males. The biggest problem is going to be more...
  13. P

    Hyperion Bridge Schematics

    One item to add confusion to the Omega. They deliberately used tricks to make the bridge look bigger on the small set they were using. That is bound to make figuring out the layout just that much harder. I also vaguely recall that it was actually CNC, just redressed.
  14. P

    Celestia as a potential gaming tool

    Even when I have had my laptop at games, I haven't found it to be of much use. Better to have everything printed out ahead of time. I have used theme music for games on occasion, but in those cases, I used the stereo.
  15. P

    Techno-Mage Prestige Class...

    The cross-class skills aren't about being realistic. If we were trying to be realistic, we'd junk the class/level system altogether and go with a points based system where you buy all your character's abilities, like hero system or gurps. Cross-Class skills are all about play balance, where a...