Recent content by MonsterX

  1. M

    What's with all that spam lately?

    Spammers are like contagious diseases: they have peaks and troughs.
  2. M

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    Streetwise tells you how many credits to fold inside your passport as you tell the police officer "I really hope you could just let me off with a warning this time"
  3. M

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    Law level really focuses around weapons because that's of course the first, and maybe only, thing the PCs care about: are they going to try to take my guns away? Referees, since we have build the world and run the place, need a bit more nuanced perspective, and don't always tie law level so...
  4. M

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    Law level 0 can mean a lot of things. Three obvious one come to mind. 1) Most common is there's no population, therefore no one to pass and enforce laws. This is really the only case when you can actually really just do what you want and carry all the guns you want, the problem will be...
  5. M

    Adzling’s Guide to Chasing Starships

    To be clear, I wasn't talking about the impactor issue as such, but rather the idea of transferring momentum to the object whose gravity precipitates the starship out of jump. Normally, (accidental) collisions between ships are so unlikely as to not need to be considered, but effectively...
  6. M

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    At the high end, you can look at it that way (so needing an 11 instead of a 12, for example). But at the low end, the chance is 91.7% instead of 97.2%. Which is the point I was making: a +4 instead of a +3 is usually not as important as +1 or +2. Of course, you always want as many pluses as...
  7. M

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    Having been through similar, I'd say it is a good idea to have a fight like this to make sure the players understand what things to think about when getting in a fight. It can help to have at least two characters each, so that when one gets blown away while standing in the open, the other one...
  8. M

    Adzling’s Guide to Chasing Starships

    Transferring the moment to a planet or even planetoid wouldn't do anything, but this idea raises the very remote possibility of precipitating out of jump 100D from a smaller object, like a ship of space habitat, The instantaneous transfer of a large amount of momentum could really mess things up...
  9. M

    Alternative wilderness refueling

    A Tigress could also probably put hundreds of people on the job, while the Beowulf, maybe a couple? To cut out 280m3 of fuel. If it is 100% water, that's still a lot more than 280m3 (Close to 7x7x7) of ice. I'm not sure how much volume of hydrogen you get from that much water, but given...
  10. M

    Alternative wilderness refueling

    Ice has to involve a lot of cutting and moving around of large blocks. Mining is kind of dangerous and laborious, as are EVAs, and each require skills. These are skills which spacers would have, no doubt, but in Traveller, not necessarily. Going into a gas giant and back out requires a lot of...
  11. M

    Jump and misjump

    Have you ever played a game of Diplomacy that didn't involve high levels of paranoia? If so, I submit you were playing it wrong.
  12. M

    Jump and misjump

    It should be an event you roll in character creation: do you eat your friends, or do you go hungry? Maybe Melee or END rolls depending on your choice, gain a skill, Stealth, Deception, even Steward (don't think too hard about that last one)
  13. M

    Jump and misjump

    How to set up a game to take a group of good friends and turn them into bitter enemies. This is where Traveller subtly morphs into Paranoia.
  14. M

    Jump and misjump

    No, but it just went on my reading list.
  15. M

    Jump and misjump

    If you're in jump space for longer than the food will last - that strikes me as an interesting, if not totally pleasant scenario. Maybe there is enough food for 1 but you are 4. Or, enough food for one, but only if you consider unconventional food options. Maybe there is one low berth. But...