Recent content by Jongar

  1. Jongar

    Traveller VTT

    VTT is more important for Traveller than other games because the player base is alot more spread out. At 13 years old my friend bought the little black books but we really didn't know what to do with them. VTT lets potential new players connect with experienced players, learn the game and then...
  2. Jongar

    Traveller on VTTs

  3. Jongar

    Roll20 Compendium

  4. Jongar

    Or Fiery Gunboats!

    Or Fiery Gunboats!
  5. Jongar

    Was also using Krssh as my art, sorry didn't know it was already taken!

    Was also using Krssh as my art, sorry didn't know it was already taken!
  6. Jongar

    Traders and Gunboats - Has Landed!

    Top view art would be nice for ships and vehicles as it can be used in VTT games for star port maps and tokens. But the book's art is top notch.
  7. Jongar

    Traders and Gunboats - Has Landed!

  8. Jongar

    Burst and Machine Pistols

    Also takes some of the shine off the Dex attribute and gives to Str.
  9. Jongar

    Work in progress. If this looks of interest email me at

    Work in progress. If this looks of interest email me at
  10. Jongar

    Traveller on Roll20 - Looking for beta testers

    Looks like work is progressing on Compendiums...Will this pick up via Drive Thru RPG purchases?
  11. Jongar

    Burst and Machine Pistols

    I agree that Str seems more relevant than Dex.
  12. Jongar

    Burst and Machine Pistols

    For Bursting I was going to House Rule it that when you burst effect is not added to damage but for every 2-3 points of effect an additional round hits, up to the Burst rating.
  13. Jongar

    Questions about playing while Visually Impaired

    How about using Legos for "dungeon" crawl maps, with one block high to represent the walls. Use their minis instead of figs. Seems like you would require walls and minis to lock down as you can touch with out moving accidently.
  14. Jongar

    Does anyone have or know a repository of .png files for Traveller for use on as Tokens and Maps?

    Once you have the 3d model you make alot of different versions. And its fun!