Recent content by Glabutz

  1. G

    Music for Conan

    Any Therion album, especially Theli or Master of the Runes. They're pretty cool for action scenes. Arcana or Chaostar for strange and cool ambiances. Rajna and Am'Ganesha for exotic cool ambiance (especially desert or eastern ones).
  2. G

    conan in french ?

    You can find it in France, so I suppose he jopes to see it translated. Well, french translations nowadays...
  3. G

    Q: How much time to run "Black Stones of Kovag-Re"

    If your players are regular smart, and you stick to the senario,2 hours, with introdction. If you add things, try to remove incoherence and modify it, you could handle it in a 4 to 7 hours game session. But be really carefull, for that scenario is quite dumb and suppose that your players are...