Recent content by Fabian

  1. F

    So now that the Conan movie has flopped...

    d20 is no longer the massive thing it once was; I think Legend/MRQ2 would be a great fit.
  2. F

    Plans for Blood Magic?

    Excellent news! I was really looking forward to this one.
  3. F

    Stormbringer 3rd Edition on Ebay

    Hey all, if anyone is interested I'm selling this on Ebay:
  4. F

    Wayfarers = December, Wayfarer = Legend

    This is all excellent news and heralds a great future for d100 gaming and for Wayfarers (the game of nuns vs bears, as I think of it). :lol: But seriously, this is great to hear... er... read.
  5. F

    MRQ1 Cults of Glorantha

    That would be good. I don't own the RQ2 Cults book. Is there a list of which cults didn't make it from RQ1 to RQ2?
  6. F


    I love your take on the Good/Evil conflict. I've had much the same grappling with the "We're EVILLLL!" Black Robes etc.
  7. F

    MRQ1 Cults of Glorantha

    A friend bought me both volumes of MRQ1 Cults of Glorantha. I'm just wondering how useful it is with MRQ2 aka Wayfarer. I realise that the fluff will be transferable of course.
  8. F

    Wayfarer Tweaks: Improving on RQ2.

    Valkyrie, I believe.
  9. F

    First Sign Ups for Wayfarer

    That is so cool. :) Unbridled awesomeness!
  10. F

    Name for MRQ Fanzine

    What he said :D
  11. F

    Name for MRQ Fanzine

    Can we assume then that the editorial team has been assembled?
  12. F

    Name for MRQ Fanzine

    I think 'Beyond the Impale' would work for a column that deals with converting settings and other such things from other game systems and fiction. I have a couple of ideas already...
  13. F

    Name for MRQ Fanzine

    Go Rune Quester!
  14. F

    An MRQ2 Fanzine?

    Either is great :D
  15. F

    An MRQ2 Fanzine?

    In case I wasn't clear, I'd like to volunteer for the editorial team.