Recent content by Cailet

  1. C


    Still two copies down at FP in Leicester. *Knows 'cause he took the thiird one*
  2. C

    So sell me Paranoia...

    I've picked up XP at a mongoose day. Now I just need to find a group 'cause I'm loving the book :)
  3. C

    Pre-game set up, what yer pack'n...

    Round here it seems to be an open secret what we're gonna use. We write our lists on the day most of the time. And if we wanna do something a bit special we can ask a week in advance so I'm gonna be using a J-12 next week off S&P in a special game and a balanced list in a tournament practice match.
  4. C

    PLA J-12 Fighter search...

    The pic on the card was a J-10. Which was the aircraft I was hoping we'd get actually, always did love the look of it :D So guess what I'm gonna be scouring the hobby shops for.
  5. C

    Do you think Tanks are too dominant in the game?

    I saw some playtest cards and it was a T99 with less machine guns I think. And 25 points cheaper. But that was months back at one of the open days so don't take that too seriously, I was busier reading my AA cards :P
  6. C

    Do you think Tanks are too dominant in the game?

    Well what else am I gonna do when I can't shoot for toffee? It's more like Mario Kart than BF:E in there some days :twisted:
  7. C

    Do you think Tanks are too dominant in the game?

    Not tried. Seen it happen though. Still seeking a PLA based solution though.
  8. C

    Do you think Tanks are too dominant in the game?

    A hull down Challenger takes 75 (approximately, give or take I did the maths very quickly in my head) PLA RPG's to kill. Same for The Abrams true but it's easier to kill by everything else. There is no infantry weapon which can kill it outright (fair enough but when it's all we have it's a...
  9. C

    Do you think Tanks are too dominant in the game?

    At that level, yeah. Tanks are REALLY powerful and the Challenger is TOO powerful. Go up to two thousand points using the force organisiation in the book and it's not as bad (though Challenger with a Command Squad is still obscene). Killing Challys requires so much effort though, it's often...
  10. C

    Do you think the MEA are overpowered?

    The problem with tanks and cover? Technicals *grins* OK so it takes some luck with the dice but ramming seems to be my best anti-tank trick. Doesn;t help that I play PLA I guess (the only game I've won was with MEA against Low-Roller's EFTF where I killed the tank with ramming Technicals and a...
  11. C

    Concerns About Fedayeen

    Fedayeen are Support, not Troops. Which means ytou can;t have that many of them. 1 unit for every two regulars. And their snipers... well what do you EXPECT snipers to do? Everyone else WILL get snipers. They already have weapons that can sweep squads away and suppress them easily, the MEA need...
  12. C

    Salute 2007

    5 rulebooks in evidence... Of which three currently reside in Leicester :lol: Not a bad day out, even if my spending was curtailed (stupid chip-and-pin).
  13. C

    Ziggurat Con - The World's First War Zone Game Convention

    it's when you close ranks to stop us investigating how it happened that we get irritable...
  14. C

    Ziggurat Con - The World's First War Zone Game Convention

    Not a war maybe but there's only so many times you can kick someone before they snap...
  15. C

    Brothers In Armss - Request for Army Lists

    True. That was a hell of a last stand :D