Recent content by Beastttt

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    Really Big Meson Guns

    It is called a 5dton barbette or 50 dton bay
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    [House Rule] Life support

    it is called standardization pretty much there is a standard set of fittings so everything connects to everything else it probably started w/ VHS and Blu-ray once space flight became affordable for anybody, ship builders needed a standard so various parts could be sub-contracted out so each...
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    How to make a dramatic space combat?

    TIMING they should have enough time to do what is NEEDED If some one goes off and tries doing something truly STUPID kill them(Darwin always wins) they are on the clock If STUPID blocks the exit, have a new exit open up for the NOT Stupid and let Stupid get himself killed
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    [GK Games] The Anderson & Felix Guide to Naval Architecture

    that is why I said damn it as the 1 energy slot I had left on my 100 ton attack boat I cannot use it for that damn it
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    [GK Games] The Anderson & Felix Guide to Naval Architecture

    everything is tech 12 for the most part(some lowe tech level equipment all Jump drives(Zimm drives) are just jump 2 Better discriptions Zimm drive ships max out at 5000 tons SDBs max at 20,000 tons added luxuries added Defense nodes(non ship weapons in the anti-missile role for any ship that is...
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    [GK Games] The Anderson & Felix Guide to Naval Architecture

    I bought it what do you want to know? I like it
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    Gravitational Neutral Points

    LaGrange points are a finite number so it would be too easy to define and blockade them from smuglgers ,pirates and enemy states better to just hand wave so you can enter or leave from anywhere
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    Warship Design Rant

    probably a revamp of fuel usage(amount needed for jumps and in system usage) and the addition of Damage control, Recreation Lab space(to give Dm's for stituations) each of the engineering spaces probably has some space allocated for DC figure on a set size for ships under 2000 tons and a added...
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    How would you handle a specific game idea?

    more like reentry and you did not want to wait for the burnup on reentry
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    Traveller Movie

    could be a plasma bolt or some not fast as light weapon also the scout does not stop, but a explosive decompression could act as thrust throwing the scout into a tumble using a road just to do quick navigation works also for what it is ,it is a great little movie
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    Interesting data on nukes in space

    just because a laser beam moves at the speed of light ,does not mean the turret housing the laser can move fast enough to be brought to bear in time also there is the dwell time the laser needs to destroy the target and while a laser is a really narrow beam it does spread so dwell time may...
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    Missle Storage

    I's say flight profiles Laser heads are a standoff weapons Nukes need to spread out a bit so as to not fratracide other nukes Kenetic Kill can swarm
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    Space: 1999

    That you know of
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    massive gravity effects

    what about battle dress and a grav belt
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    Special Supplement 3: Vehicle Upgrade Manual - Out Now!

    38 pages is not much to print out for Specials 1 and 3 it is that the price of 6.99 price for 30 pages of material that I found a bit steep for a PDF and the same for 8 pages at the discounted 2.39$ IMHO together these should have gone for 5$ max,not nearly 10$ I'm not say they are crap they...