Would it be too late for D20 twenty Nemesis.
You lnow I think it needs like brand new set of rules for the Warlock magic. A new Magic system.
I was also wondering if Pat Mills was busy.
Though, I'm until I'm recieving my copy of the the first book of the Nemesis case files I won't getting...
The books I have been interested in getting may have been long gone now as Mongoose's larder of D20 Slaine and perhaps Judge Dredd has now run dry. Correct me if I am wrong here.
I know that within the last year and ahalf, everytime I walk into gaming store and decide to buy what ever is...
I would be that agian. I use the read the quintet novels and I have or had some of the old source books. Dragon Kings, Galdiators and Thri-Kreens.
Thri-Kreens were once my favorite choce monster race.
What I want from a new Slaine Book?
Well without sounding too rude or inpertinent.
One the design side of things.
Some choice Slaine art work from the comics.
Perhaps alot of work from Clint Lanely's work on the Book of Invsions.
Those graphics novle they are doing now, have some great art...
I was hoping thet 2000AD would reprint atleast all of the Slaine stories that occurrred between Horned God and The Book of Invasions.
Though it would now appear that the there isn't going to a complete set of Slaine, just like the Judge Dredd, Strontiem Dog and Nemesis Cases Files that are in...
I might have made mistake there about 2000AD/Rebellion. On a closer examination of the cover of another Black Flame Book featuring Johnny Alpha. It still gives credit to 2000AD/Rebellion.
About the novel it-self. Is the writing really bad, or are you just saying that it's bad adaption from...
I am surprised that 2000AD/Rebellion didn't have it. Perhaps they wanted to distance themselves from it in case it bombed.
Mind you, the D20 Slaine rules were given a mention in this review at Amazon.com as a better alternative to the novel in terms of the way alot of it was written...
Failed Spot Check.
Somebody said on another forum that that Slaine's mother was murdereded by Skullswords in this novelisation. Something that didn't quite exactly haapen the same way in the comics.
I just hope the one and only Slaine novel isn't going to be trash.
SLaine RQ. I'm glad it appears to be comming together now.
Faired Spot Check.
I should be recieving that book early next year all going well. I have been looking forawrd to it. Perhaps hoping that it ties up alot of the loose ends I have found with the comic. Making Slaine full circle.
Slightly Norse John, is this what your talking about.
Well, I half agree with that. Though I also happen to think that a good old voilent role playing game is damn good deterrant against those bloodthirty urges.
I was watching a snippet of the new series ( Thank you YOU-TUBE.) where Skeletor was trying to summon Hordak at a unholy shrine of his own making.
Now this reeks of RTS.
However seeing as Mongoose Publishing haven't crossed over into the territory of computer games. I would put it forward that...
' Don't put mustard on the cat '...............
It would almost seem like He-Man is reallly suggesting you do something bad, by bringing it up in the first place.
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