Recent content by AnotherDilbert

  1. A

    I love Traveller because of the ships!

    The result of well-supported ship design systems. Anyone can make a ship that fits right in. This is the genius of the Traveller system, it assures that you are alone out there. There's no calling the cavalry or rescue services, any problem is for you and you alone to handle, hence adventure...
  2. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    2% of 50 Dt is 1 Dt at MCr 2. More expensive than a clamp or docking space. Modular hull adds 0 Dt and MCr 1.8 to the main hull, and 0 Dt and MCr 0.75 to each module. A little bit more expensive, but 0 Dt is an advantage. Yes. You must have a bridge in each section, but a craft that can be...
  3. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    It's economic suicide, but it was a fun concept.
  4. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    With a breakaway design you could make an expandable spacecraft. Start small and add sections needed. Need more space? Add a cargo section. Want to go faster? Add a manoeuvre section. Want to go elsewhere? Add a jump section...
  5. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    Agreed. Agreed, well two times at least. The main hull is more slightly expensive and the module frame/structure is in addition to that.
  6. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    The MgT2'22 version uses liberal amounts of Rule 0. As the entire Cutter becomes unstreamlined, it has to be external, not covered by a clamshell. They use Dispersed Hull as it was used in CT: "Exterior" here means within hull tonnage, but not in a shirt-sleeve hangar. Within formal hull...
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    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    We have to accommodate the fighters somehow. The default choices are externally with docking clamps or internally with docking spaces. When you said enclosed (i.e. inside the hull = internally) I assumed you meant docking spaces. Both happen to total 7 Dt for each fighter, but docking spaces...
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    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    Agreed. Agreed, almost... Docking Space ≠ Cargo. A Docking Space is specifically shaped for the craft it is supposed to contain with an inch or so clearance. It is not shaped for standard containers (whatever that is). So soft cargo, sure, hard boxy cargo is questionable at best. Well, it is...
  9. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    Of course, as Referee you can make whatever house rules you want. And I make mine. Not a problem, just a house rule.
  10. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    And the referee can easily say no. If you want a 200 Dt ship to have J-1 with a B-drive, that is what the system says. If you design a tramp freighter with "scout" drives and sensors, because a Scout reputedly walked past it, the Referee is likely to say no. If you design a ship with a new...
  11. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    Quite, the CT Cutter had external "modules". MgT1 and MgT2'16 had rules for internal "modules", and made the Cutter with internal "modules". MgT2'22 has the same rules for internal "modules" and use them to design a Cutter with external "modules". MgT2'22 is a bit confused...
  12. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    The design spreadsheets are still available as images at Imgur, even if the links are questionable...
  13. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    I may have paraphrased it. It's printed and as RAW as the crappy life-support in the Scout... Nothing I have made up either way, and not covered by any design rules. Quite, storage space, inside the hull, as all other components. LBB2 never requires any extra tonnage for storage, so that is not...
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    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    We have some hints: I don't know any other mechanism to do this by RAW in CT? Since we need a power plant for life support, the Cutter can provide power or at least life support to the module. I don't know any other mechanism to do this by RAW in CT? My impression is that the module is fully...
  15. A

    Modules for the Modular Cutter