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  1. T

    Any news?

    As in the title, really. Any more information or feedback regarding how Pioneer is progressing? Are we looking like doing crowdfunding or will it be scheduled as a potential publication soon? Any update on the playtest material or information about issues/thoughts being considered?
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    Compendium #404, Citizen In Name Only & Mandatory Duty

    Is there any blurb about these upcoming titles that I may have missed?
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    Brave New Missions?

    So, was under the impression that Brave New Missions would be available for a PDF release and physical pre-order in November. Can we confirm that this was November 2023 and not 2024? Thanks! :)
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    It appears that Astronauts are the ultimate Prestige career in Pioneer, with a 15+ Qualification roll. With the Lifepath character generation system in place, it almost feels like the purpose of the ‘game-within-game’ is to navigate a career path that ultimately gives characters a shot at being...
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    Centripetal, Centrifugal, Coriolis effect and Pseudo-forces.

    Taken from the other forum: “Centrifugal force” (discussed in the Artificial Gravity section). Technically, there is no such thing as centrifugal forces. What you have is centripetal forces and their interaction with Newton’s 1st law. ‘Centripetal force' means the force pulled to the centre...
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    Idea for future publications: Classic Box Set game reconstructions?

    It is probably a way off the end-of-year ‘State of the Mongoose’ announcements, but this has been in my mind for a while anyway. Would Mongoose consider the idea of making some business out of re-releasing classic old games or editions of games, driven possibly by Kickstarter and seeing how they...
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    Mongoose Traveller supplements nominated for Ennies

    Just checked on the ENWorld page and it looks like Stranded and High Guard 2022 Update have just been nominated for Best Free Product and Best Rules respectively.
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    Alternative Species bonuses/penalties in Character Generation?

    One thing that struck me, when playing a Bwap, is that you have an increased chance of dying during character generation! Bwaps enjoy a -4 adjustment on both their Strength and Endurance rolls, so, if you roll low and subtract is it not possible to begin play with Strength and Endurance at...
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    Updated Character Sheet downloads?

    Please may I make another request for the Character Sheet used in 2022 Updated Core Rules to be included in the Downloads section on this site - preferably form fillable. Only the older character sheet can be found there currently, and there is no blank character sheet in the book itself (just...
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    Paranoia’s 40th Anniversary in 2024

    OK, so it is a way out still, but nevertheless fast approaching. Good things often take that long to plan. I was wondering what anybody else’s thoughts were regarding Paranoia’s potential releases in it’s anniversary year. Here are a few suggestions: - A Kickstarter for a Classic Paranoia...
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    Book and Supplement listings.

    It’s long been a characteristic of Traveller to produce a numbered set of Books (for rules) and Supplements (mainly for setting or campaign reference), was back to the original release of Classic Traveller back in 1987. Mongoose Traveller is no different and I suppose it could be seen as a ploy...
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    Robots book on the Release List!

    Finally!! What sort of things should go in it? Personally, I think the main thing is that you should be able to play artificial intelligences of all sorts - with a robotic chassis, or biological replicants, or infomorphs. Maybe give some examples of pre-made, 'off the shelf’ characters. I...
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    Behind the Claw release?

    A few people on a Traveller site on Facebook mentioned that they have received shipping notices for Behind the Claw last week. I haven’t got one yet though. Is it on its way now? If so, I aim to start planning a new campaign with it as I see it as a sort of unofficial ‘Book 6’ after the...
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    Any new updates on 2300AD?

    Been waiting for this for a while, but how long before the new edition gets a green light? Also/ a) What should we expect from the new edition in terms of content? What's new? What's different? b) Will it be Kickstarted? c) I've asked this before, but I'll do it again, will it be stand-alone...
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    Could we have an updated release schedule?

    Shame about Vanguard, but lessons learned, we may see it again in some other way. But for now, let's focus on what is in the pipeline. Err….like what is in the pipeline?! We know lots of new books and stuff are planned, but when and how and what and whatever, would be something I'd like to...
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    Aslan, Samurai and other allegories

    While struggling to pronounce half the Aslan words in my ongoing Pirates of Drinax campaign, it was pointed out by one of my players that it's easiest to do so my imagining you are doing the dialogue in a Japanese Samurai movie. It actually works very well….which got us all looking at the...
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    2300AD - Any News?

    I'm actualy really looking forward to this, but we have heard very little about it recently. My understanding is that it will be a a physically attractive, uplifted design in its presentation. Do we know if it will require the Traveller book still, or be standalone? Will there be new material...
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    How do you generate child characters?

    The character generation is one of my favourite things about Traveller. However, we've been playing through a Pirates campaign for several months and the current player characters have hired on some extra help in an expansion of their crew. Initially we just had them as PCs, and one of them...
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    Core Book Index in Traveller Companion?

    One common complaint from fans, myself included, is that there is no Index in any of the Traveller 2nd Edition line to date. It does, I have to say, make some rules referencing difficult from books during gameplay. With the production of all four core books done, and their still apparently...