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  1. G'Naakbusters

    The new Starship Operator's Manual is here!

    Great sourcebook; it does what it advertises. Obviously I've not read it all yet, I've been giving it a skim, but it's all presented clearly. I'd definitely say it promises a good understanding of what it's like on board a ship and how shipboard operations work, which is what it needed to do...
  2. G'Naakbusters

    Florian League Ships

    We've had descriptions of Florian ships; they're infamously "blocky", inelegant and brick-shaped. There are pictures (in Traveller's Digest, I think? Maybe issue 20? Or the Third Imperium magazine?) Apparently, Florian ships tend to be well-armed and not much for comfort; picture a rectangular...
  3. G'Naakbusters

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    Friday is my birthday. MONGOOSE, I WANT A STARSHIP OPERATORS MANUAL FOR MY BIRTHDAY. I warn you that feet will be stomped and false tears produced in protest should you fail. I may even pout.
  4. G'Naakbusters

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    Aha! They did it, they completed the "Humaniti Goes Very Far Away" trilogy! 😁 And, yes, an Ine Givar book sounds interesting. I liked the description of the Ine Givar NPC featured in "Fifth Frontier War"; it did a good job of conveying a sense of the plurality that falls under that label...
  5. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War begins in two days

    That's essentially why I suggested the area had transitioned to a Human-Aslan fusion. My apologies for being vague on the sources, all; I wasn't sure where it all came from.
  6. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War begins in two days

    They take most of Glisten and parts of District 268 and Trin's Veil. Glisten itself seems an odd target; not only is it of course a prominent and powerful system (surely it's defended well enough that there are many more appealing targets, particularly in the non-aligned part of the Marches?)...
  7. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War - on PDF and Pre-Order

    Like I said elsewhere, Norris will achieve his full jowls and moustache upon his ascension to Archduke. It's like Orang-utans, it's a dominance thing. Or maybe this time Delphine will be Archduchess and she'll get the jowls and moustache.
  8. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War begins in two days

    Norris is like an orang-utan, he grows his jowls to indicate his superior position. Once he becomes Archduke, he will sport the full set (and appropriate facial hair).
  9. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War - on PDF and Pre-Order

    I'm pretty sure Shakrn Notstrdr is assigned to some other theatre at the moment, but our intelligence on Zhodani operatives is far from perfect.
  10. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War - on PDF and Pre-Order

    Bishop Lewins looks like great fun. What engagement or situation can't be improved by SUDDENLY, HELPFUL VIRUSHI. "SOMEBODY IS GOING TO BE ASSISTED, BY GUM! OUT OF THE WAY!" :LOL: Edit: Matriarch Siourrouz also looks like great fun.
  11. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War begins in two days

    Due to either a genius stroke of counterintelligence or an unfortunate typo in Darrian Special Arm press releases, Zhodani commanders have been warned to be on alert for the "Start Rigger" device, which is believed to give Darrian vessels an unfair advantage in competitive mobilization.
  12. G'Naakbusters

    Candidate Worlds for Genocide/Xenocide in Sindal Empire

    There's this sentence: "More ominously, blast craters on Ace, mass graves on Thebus, and plagues on Lacidaeus bear testament to the vanished Empire."
  13. G'Naakbusters

    Travellers Needed - The Future of Traveller

    I would love to see a Hiver-centric campaign, perhaps with a rough set of rules for depicting competing Manipulations; your characters taking on certain jobs, making certain choices, playing into different schemes, and the status of different Hiver patrons changing accordingly. I imagine it...
  14. G'Naakbusters

    Four New Titles for Traveller - In Stock!

    My Adventure Class Ships arrived this morning (y)
  15. G'Naakbusters

    The Fifth Frontier War is Coming...

    You can't ask him to compromise his spies within the Consulate like that. Who knows how hard it was to smuggle out even the general timeframe without the Tozjabr catching wind (or thought) of it?
  16. G'Naakbusters

    Canonical Traveller Starports in Fiction

    Which I love! Good reminder; I suppose I'm just greedy for more 😁
  17. G'Naakbusters

    Canonical Traveller Starports in Fiction

    I'm reminded now of Mongoose B5's Starport book, where they presented seven different facilities (Human, Minbari, Centauri, Narn, Drazi, Brakiri, Abbai). I know something like this has been suggested before, but it would be fun to have a Traveller version (maybe eight ports, two each for A, B...
  18. G'Naakbusters

    Travellers Needed - The Future of Traveller

    Imagination? How perverse. What are you, one of the barbarian peoples? Consult the games that have gone before, and replicate them as closely as possible, like a civilized being. :P
  19. G'Naakbusters

    Your Traveller Rock Band

    Honestly, I could just go with "G'naakbusters". I'm sure the K'kree Ambassador would protest on the grounds of trivialising or mocking the Mandate of the People or something, but I doubt anyone would particularly care...
  20. G'Naakbusters

    What is your approach to languages?

    Perhaps there can also be potential negative consequences, as in a character comes across as a fool using overly elaborate language because they learned it by watching footage of archaic court discussions or films of an old genre? A situation where a character is saying something equivalent...