Search results

  1. DigrizJB

    Have You Ever Run Out of Missiles?

    I'm working on ship design, and wondering how many salvos do you think would be appropriate for a 1,000T patrol craft or escort ship? What about for a 4,000T fleet escort or a 20,000T "Cruiser"? Primarily interested in your thoughts about warships that are designed to actively engage an...
  2. DigrizJB

    You Turn off Gravity on the Ship: How Long Before Hilarity Ensues?

    I ran a homebrew scenario where the PC Pilot was being forcefully relieved of command by the Security Officer (SO). The ship was depressurized to retrieve orbiting objects, and the Security Officer’s stunner failed to penetrate the Vacc suit or disable the pilot. The pilot then turned off the...
  3. DigrizJB

    Close & Personal

    I'm new to Mongoose Traveller - Jumping over from MT and CT, which I haven't played in 20 years. I like what you've done to update melee weapons and make those useless skill roles (blade-2) useful again. It would be nice to see a single complete table of weapons printed to compare so you could...