Search results

  1. NOLATrav

    TL 7 Ground/Raft

  2. NOLATrav

    Travellermap World Data in Multi-Star systems

    Curious how others interpret the travellermap list of non-Mainworld planets in the Mainworld drop-down pane. For instance, 3 Gas Giants, 2 Planetoid Belts and 4 Other Worlds in a system with two stars. Do these world counts apply to the primary star only or to the entire binary system? I’ve...
  3. NOLATrav

    Prototype Maker Tech

    Self-contained plastic recycling and 3D printing… pretty dope 8)
  4. NOLATrav

    Happy Holiday

    Wishing all my Mongoosian sisters/brothers/others a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! Thanks all for the ideas, info, daydreams, adventures and inspiration. Appreciate you!
  5. NOLATrav

    NASA SpaceX Launch

    The link below is to NASA TV's youtube live stream of today's Crew Dragon launch. Enjoy! Remarkable resemblance to the Galactic Empire :shock:
  6. NOLATrav

    Gauss Weapons - Zero-G?

    I've searched the forums but haven't had any luck so... Curious why gauss weapons do not have the zero-g trait. In all additions back to Classic the weapons are described as using electromagnetic effects to deliver the rounds. No chemical explosion hence no recoil... right? I suspect at TL12...
  7. NOLATrav

    Traveller Card Game

    Thought this may be of interest... Cheers
  8. NOLATrav

    Cultural Quirks

    The table on pgs 230-231 has an unfinished entry, 24 Honourable Also, the chart numbers jump weirdly across the two pages, the 'tens' numbers 1,2,4,5 being on pg230 while 3 and 6 are next to one another on 231. Feels off ;) Cheers