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  1. G

    Do you have a library of background NPC?

    Traveller Tools has a good NPC generator that includes a name, personality traits and other details:
  2. G

    Favourite starting ship?

    For a smaller ship frontier Naval campaign, I would say a Gazelle or Fiery Class. Lots of crew and command positions for PCs and great for away missions and taking on bandits.
  3. G

    Traveller CRPG?

    Looks like they went with Rogue Trader.
  4. G

    How to let players generate the characters they want without letting them min/max?

    With my recent group, I had them roll for progression and events, but allowed them to choose skills from the tables instead of rolling. They did develop more heroic characters for sure, but the random background events led to excellent plot-hooks that melded well into the adventure and NPCs I...
  5. G

    Inhabited Gas Giants

    If you want some good inspiration, Iain M. Banks has awesome and hilarious gas giant dwellers in his excellent novel The Algebraist.
  6. G

    Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

    Fantastic additions. Keep up the good work!
  7. G

    Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

    Great. Working. Thanks.
  8. G

    Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

    Great new features. Tested it by buying goods on Tobia and selling them on Attee. However, a small bug occurred in the Description column of the FINANCES > ACCOUNT section. All the sold goods are listed as Polymers (10t). Thanks for the great work.
  9. G

    Lentuli Subsector/Empty Quarter

    There seems to be info in the Traveller Map:
  10. G

    State Room issue that's always bugged me

    I can't remember exactly, but isn't the occupancy issue more about passengers. High Passage is single occupancy and Middle Passage is double occupancy. The Captain and/or Owner might have their own stateroom, but crew are typically double occupancy.
  11. G

    Tech Superiority

    Thanks for all the great answers so far everyone. Managing technological equipment differences would definitely make for more tracking of tech level, availability of equipment and price differences, but it would also give some incentive to the Travellers to seek out better goods. Perhaps my...
  12. G

    Tech Superiority

    In MTU, I would like to emphasize technological superiority. I want equipment manufactured at higher tech levels to be superior to those produced at lower ones. For me, part of the power of the Third Imperium is its technological superiority. However, I’m not sure how to best quantify this...
  13. G

    Tech alternatives query

    The new Traveller version of Mindjammer could work. It is a transhuman setting and should include at least some of the tropes you mentioned. Here is the link (note that the free, quick-start is available, even though it says Coming Soon):
  14. G

    Ian Stead Contact Info

    I found it here on his blog: "My email address is"
  15. G

    Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

    I definitely used the date tools and the trade auto calculation, but the dates weren't carrying forward consistently. I will try it again and post some screenshots of the process for clarity.
  16. G

    Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

    That would be great, Markus. In terms of on-going playability, it would be nice if it remembered the date as you buy and sell. For example, my Travellers would fill their hold and berths on Tobia, after taking three days to find a supplier and passengers going to Pichot. They might stay on...
  17. G

    Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

    Love this tool. Great work. Can't wait to use it in play. I know my players love to roll themselves for trade. Any chance to add manual input for dice rolls.
  18. G


    If they did misjump into deep space, I would allow them to go into cold sleep for the long voyage to the closest system, then have them encounter something on the way. One possibility is a famous and badly damaged Navy derelict, perhaps lost for decades or even centuries. Depending on how much...
  19. G


    Exactly. Especially when the Travellers use Jump to escape an enemy quickly. If they don't take the required time (-2 or more to reduce the time frame) or jump within the 100 diameter limit, they should have a chance to misjump. Without the risk, there's no drama.
  20. G

    What is the TL of a person?

    Sorry, took tech level of a person a little too literally.