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  1. G

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    It's in Japan, of course.
  2. G

    Does removing modules allow longer jumps

    And you would almost certainly want a little bit of a buffer tank on the main section, enough to allow that section to run while the breakaway tank is elsewhere. Probably two or three days' worth of fuel tankage would be enough, unless you're planning for the fuel run to go to or from the outer...
  3. G

    Does removing modules allow longer jumps

    Agreed that you can build this concept as a tender/rider setup, designing the tender with docking clamps and the riders as normal ships (star- or space-). As for improving the drive performance by detaching the riders: yes, within limits. First, your computer (and software) has to be able to...
  4. G

    The Great Apple PDF Update

    I was going to post up a comment about someone coming back from vacation or something; when I checked my email I saw what felt like a dozen update posts from Mongoose (and a few from some other companies too). Maybe someone just remembered to turn on the internet...
  5. G

    Excel Traveller Trade

    You may want to bear in mind that there is no actual guarantee that trade advantage is going to be balanced. In fact, trade "balances", unless deliberately kept both controlled and simplified, are almost certainly non-existent.
  6. G

    Rules Clarification: Virtual Crew Limits; can it replace every position or not? (ex. Engineers)

    True as far as it goes, but the rules specify that only the effectively highest-rated system can be active at a single time. (This is one of the rules I vehemently disagree with, and house-rule away at earliest opportunity. Along with the lack of space computers occupy - they don't occupy much...
  7. G

    World Builders help

    As I understand it, the quote should probably omit the word "star" - a system primary can be a post-stellar object, in which case it (both technically and by definition) is not actually a star any more. And in the case of a system in which the primary is (for instance) a neutron star, that...
  8. G

    Travellers Needed - The Future of Traveller

    I'm glad to see others doing the same sort of thing I do - mining other game systems for transplantable ideas. Personally, I like raiding Shadowrun (pretty much all editions) for (mega)corporate intrigue - I have to do a fair bit of filing-off of identifying marks and bashing to make pieces fit...
  9. G

    Mongoose - Mercenary Book 1

    If you're okay with PDF, DriveThruRPG has both the original Book I: Mercenary and it's second edition (note: not Traveller second edition!) still available. You just have to look in their MongTrav 1st edition category (look for the older logo on the publisher page). Edited to add: I just...
  10. G

    Your Traveller Rock Band

    Oh come on! Not one vote yet for Ziggy Stardust?
  11. G

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    Add another request for a Mongoose equivalent of FF&S - I've been wanting something of the sort (and occasionally voicing the request since High Guard was announced for MongTrav 1). By all means, have an intermediate-level construction process for those who want something more than the basic...
  12. G

    Astrogation needs help

    Somehow, I always read this as "Mass tells spacetime to get bent..."
  13. G

    World Builder's Handbook Feedback

    Or, as I say all the time at work, "We may not have artificial intelligence down yet, but by God, do we have artificial stupidity nailed down..."
  14. G

    Travelling REALLY Far From Home [AU]

    Who said it was Terran Italian? Sounds like you're displaying just as much unconscious chauvinism.
  15. G

    Travelling REALLY Far From Home [AU]

    Already in process; I was working on something along these lines about the same time as Mongoose announced those works. The campaign I'm toying with was originally intended to be set around where the Spinner wound up being placed; with the publication of Rim Expeditions it has since been...
  16. G

    Recommend clearance between spaceships

    Smart pilots will keep themselves far enough from other ships to not to provide an easy target and provocation...
  17. G

    Have You Ever Run Out of Missiles?

    It also depends on deployment - if you're going to be on a patrol loop for (say) three months, and run into several opposing forces between opportunities for a resupply, it might well be possible to face the choice of shooting the magazines dry, or aborting the patrol loop to run for resupply.
  18. G

    Ancients’ Infantry

    Considering that there were always far fewer than a thousand Ancients, I would say that they relied on servitor species and robots for any large-scale military needs. (If you got them all gathered together and pointed the same direction - something even Grandfather couldn't manage - the entirety...
  19. G

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    Good. Main reason I was looking for this was the jump cutter in Adventure Class Ships, with the thought of also possibly scaling up the idea, which means that there could be uses for a large number of 30 Dt modules.
  20. G

    Modules for the Modular Cutter

    I'm hoping that the forum regulars here can help me, since my mental filing system seems to have failed me. At some point in the recent past, I was reading some Traveller material which included, among other things, a number of additional modules for the modular cutter. For the life of me, I...