Recent content by ShawnDriscoll

  1. ShawnDriscoll

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    I saw the TOC on Drivethru. It looks great. I like the artist for the book, too. I can't wait for the printed book.
  2. ShawnDriscoll

    Canonical Traveller Starports in Fiction

    Space Viking has all the Traveller things.
  3. ShawnDriscoll

    DriveThruRPG and watermarks

    I don't share PDFs. So the watermark is perfectly fine.
  4. ShawnDriscoll

    Rules Clarification: 1DD is 1D x 1d6, right?

    I use those rolls in an app. Forgot what they really do IRL. Ha!
  5. ShawnDriscoll

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    Looking forward to A System History of Traveller! I liked Shannon's other book on Traveller.
  6. ShawnDriscoll

    The Imperium and Dystopian Worlds

    If players did Solomani chargens, they'd have a better understanding of their culture. Same goes for the other races.
  7. ShawnDriscoll

    Cyberpunk and Traveller

    See Darth Vader.
  8. ShawnDriscoll

    Cyberpunk and Traveller

    That is the "punk" part of the setting.
  9. ShawnDriscoll

    Cyberpunk and Traveller

    With 11,000+ systems, there's bound to be a cyberculture somewhere. It will look different from CyberPunk 2077 because it derives from Traveller 1977's alternate future. That's an interesting topic for a video I'll do.
  10. ShawnDriscoll

    Is psionics a plot breaker or OP?

    Smart phones can break mystery games. Electricity also. Referees need to roll with it all.
  11. ShawnDriscoll

    Is there going to be a Psionics book?

    I use Mongoose Traveller as a generic game mechanic for any genre. Just swap out careers and life events to match a game's setting. Mongoose Traveller does most things already using just the drifter career and various tech levels.
  12. ShawnDriscoll

    Is there going to be a Psionics book?

    Star Trek and Star Wars did not invent sci-fi. Psionics was around long before them. Referees and players not comfortable with PSI characteristics in Traveller block them from use.
  13. ShawnDriscoll

    Starfield Bump

    I've heard that 3030 Deathwar: A Space Odyssey pushes a lot of Traveller buttons.
  14. ShawnDriscoll

    How do you handle judging a character/insight?

    The players roleplay in-character the encounter. A skill check roll based on narration from the players' actions is best practice.