Recent content by Farqs

  1. F

    Best published OTU Traveller scenario or campaign you have run?

    I don't even want to think how long ago we played the Legend of the Sky Raiders; it was great fun but I can see that it will benefit from a bit of sprucing up. Otherwise hard to see you would go badly wrong with The Traveller Adventure or Beltstrike especially as a start up. A.
  2. F

    Traveller and AudioRPG

    Silly not to give it a go even if i am hardly a dyed-in -the-wool audio bookworm.
  3. F

    Traveller Companion Update 2024 - Download Now!

    Matt - and that it is; many thanks. I'm looking forward to this.
  4. F

    Traveller Companion Update 2024 - Download Now!

    Matt - at risk of exposing my technophobe tendencies (again), when looking at my old Companion purchase ORDER 100014608 May 20, 2019 at 5:35 pm it seems that my free pdf was in fact a free ebook. Subsequently all the freebies were PDFs. I'm not sure that was what I intended. Am I entitled to...
  5. F

    World Builder's Handbook Feedback

    No glitches spotted at this early stage but some observations and a question: P254 (Quote) - "A sane Referee is unlikely to take the time to fully develop dozens or hundreds of systems for an adventure or campaign..." I'll leave that thought with everybody. I do like items like "What colour is...
  6. F

    The World Builder's Handbook - It Is Here!

    Well. I've been holding off and holding off on Mongoose purchases but this was always going to tip me over the edge. Part of the fun will be seeing how much it will have changed from last century's Digest Group Publication's WBH and Grand Census (1989 and 1987 respectively - oh my!). Reminds me...
  7. F

    Bu and Embla’s Guide to Starports of the Marches - PDF Released!

    And whilst I'm about it the best bit of the Kickstarter was always going to be Bu and Embla and that was my feel even before i got my grubby mitts on the book. it didn't disappoint me and I look forward to more of the same; for me the cameos and extra background give a really good combination of...
  8. F

    Bu and Embla’s Guide to Starports of the Marches - PDF Released!

    Overall I agree but on the other hand if you adopt the OTU then a thumbnail (sorry) sketch of a world/system is a useful skeleton to hang skin (sic) etc on. One benefit of the OTU as a concept is that you have the overarching Third Empire for example but under that a system could be almost...
  9. F

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    It's the thought that counts - not the TPK! Mayhap What a Cowboy? On show at Salute this Saturday. Dare I chance humiliation in front of thousands by shooting myself in the foot? I suppose my point is that different systems can all contribute to the RPG narrative; in my experience CoC has far...
  10. F

    Travellers Needed - The Future of Traveller

    This is one of my favourite threads. Whilst it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with something new there are plenty of new spins and there is plenty of material going back 40+ years (oh my) to refer to. so... I do like the Sector Guides; sure there are some worlds that don't get...
  11. F

    Civilization in Traveller Setting

    As someone who loves both the OTU and 2300 I'm interested in how the aliens are treated differently in both. In 2300 there seems more the sense that "the aliens" might well be significantly superior to Humanity; I like that. There's also more of the sense of the great unknown out there which...
  12. F

    Combat in Traveller: some tactical principles

    Perhaps an off the wall comment... As a wargamer as well as TTRPGer I have a yen to combine Traveller with some of the Too Fat Lardies tactical level/skirmish rules - Think Chain of Command (World War 2) rather than Sharp Practice (Black Powder). One of the things that CoC does is bring in...
  13. F

    A Christmas Present for all Travellers - Death Station!

    And thanks and a happy Christmas too. As an oldie but goodie it has got me wondering how to fit it into the campaign.
  14. F

    Xmas or Spam-mas?

    Yup - three "Your Downloads are ready!" from Mongoose Publishing <> and all for old supplements from Mongoose V1. I took it to be spam. There was an info request back to